Chemistry Assignments

Essay about My Reflection on General Chemistry 

General chemistry enables students to understand chemical reactions and how matter behaves differently. Suppose you are pursuing a course in biology, engineering, environmental science or physics. In that case, your instructor can give you a homework assignment based on a title, such as an essay about my reflection on general chemistry.

For you to successfully complete an essay about my reflection on general chemistry assignment, you first must save some time to reflect on a few significant things about general chemistry. In this blog post, you will find answers to most of the questions you might have and be able to write a reflection about a general chemistry essay like a pro. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Reflection on General Chemistry

Before you begin to ask, “How do you write a reflection in chemistry?” you first must understand the following points of reflection on general chemistry.

Key Concepts

General chemistry introduces essential concepts such as atoms, compounds, elements, molecules, and the periodic table. It would be best to learn how these fundamental building blocks combine and interact to form the things around us.

Chemical Reactions

You must know how to balance chemical equations, reaction mechanisms and stoichiometry. That enables you to understand how substances change and interact with each other.

Laboratory Work

General chemistry equips you with knowledge of how to conduct laboratory experiments, apply theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills and discover chemical reactions first-hand. Lab work can help you write a reflection on a general essay like a professional.

The Periodic Table

Understanding the periodic table helps you to learn how to explain chemical reactions for various elements and be able to predict how different elements react.

Chemical Bonding

Learning about covalent, ionic and other kinds of chemical bonds will help you to know how forces that hold molecules together influence the structure of a matter.

It is essential to understand the above-stated information to gain valuable skills and knowledge that you can apply in your essay and be able to explore chemistry and other related disciplines to understand the fascinating world of the chemical universe.

How to Write a Reflection in Physical Chemistry

Writing a reflection in physical chemistry requires you to express your insights and thoughts about your experiments, studies and experiences in chemistry. These are steps that our experts follow to handle your” Essay about my reflection on general chemistry” task. You can follow them as well to successfully craft your paper.

Title and Introduction

When writing an essay about my reflection on general chemistry, you must begin with a simple, clear and informative title. You will then discuss the context of your reflection by mentioning aspects, topics or chemistry experiments you are reflecting on.

Describe the Experiment

Give a detailed description of the experiment you are reflecting on by including the purpose, objectives and strategies used.

Personal Experience

Provide information regarding the successes, challenges and unexpected occurrences that you encountered and compare your expectations vs. Reality.

Learning Outcomes

Please discuss what you learned from the experiment and how it has contributed to your understanding of physical chemistry.

Relevance and Application

Reflect on the relevance, implication or potential application of your experiment to the real world.

Challenges and Problem-Solving

Mention and discuss the challenges you faced during the experiment and how you addressed them. Reflect on the decision-making and problem-solving skills that you adopted.

Areas of Improvements and Future Recommendations

Consider what you could have done or approached better and discuss possible improvements for future experiments.

Personal Growth

Discuss how the experiment has impacted your goals and interest in your career. Discuss how your perspective has changed.

Ethical and Safety Considerations 

Discuss any applicable ethical and safety measures you adhered to during the experiment.


Summarize your reflection on the physical chemistry essay, mention the key points and highlight the insights.


What would you recommend to other researchers or students who want to undertake the same experiment?


If you borrowed information from other sources, such as articles and scholarly materials, ensure you properly include citations and references.

Editing and Proofreading

Revise your essay to ensure it is clear, coherent, well-structured and free from grammar mistakes.

 Feedback and Revision

Consider seeking feedback from experts, your instructor, mentor or peers and make revisions accordingly.

As you handle your essay about my reflection on the general chemistry assignment, you will be responding to your experiments, experiences and chemistry studies. Hence, you should provide your unique insights and perspective by demonstrating your understanding of the topic and your critical thinking and writing ability.

What Have you Learned about General Chemistry?

At the end of the course, can you discuss what you have learned about general chemistry? Below are some key points about what you are likely to learn in physical chemistry.

Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry includes essential reactions, vocabulary and structure of organic compounds. A section of organic chemistry is usually included in general chemistry.

Atomic Structure

In general chemistry, you will learn about the concept and structure of atoms and how these structures affect the chemical behavior of elements.

Chemical Bonding

In general chemistry, you will learn about various chemical bonds and how atoms combine to form compounds and molecules.

Environmental Chemistry

You will learn environmental concepts relating to atmospheric chemistry, pollination and the impact of chemical processes on the environment in general physics.

Inorganic Chemistry

General chemistry provides basic information concerning inorganic chemistry, such as the characteristics of inorganic compounds, their reactivity and coordination of complexes. 

Whether you are writing a personal blog, academic assignment or for other purposes, you should be able to answer questions like how do you write a general reflection in an essay?

How Do We Reflect on Chemistry in Everyday Life?

If you come to think and ask, how do we reflect on chemistry in everyday life? You will be surprised at how general chemistry influences our day-to-day life. For instance, in:

Health and Well-Being

We apply general chemistry in physical exercise, body care products and even in nutrition.

Cleaning and Hygiene

Reflect on the application of chemistry in the making of detergents, cleaning products and soaps. Understand the chemical reaction that occurs for them to remove dirt, germs and stains.

Medicine and Pharmaceuticals

Consider the involvement of chemistry in the making of drugs and the treatment of illnesses.

Waste and Recycling

Reflect on how chemistry reduces environmental pollution through waste management and recycling.

Educational Reflection

Consider how chemistry helps students to become inventive and innovative and the application of chemistry in decision-making.

Write a General Reflection in an Essay for Me

We have a team of experts in chemistry and other related fields who have experience in providing answers such as how do you write a general reflection in an essay? All you must do is message us, “Write an essay about my reflection on general chemistry.”

We will write a quality and unique essay showing the instructor how equipped and knowledgeable you are about chemistry and how much you appreciate its role.

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